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sachin dev duggal

Sachin Dev Duggal - A look at how machine learning and advanced analytics are reshaping the retail landscape as a result of AI-driven innovations

In the fast-changing world of eCommerce, artificial intelligence (AI) is having a big impact on the retail industry. Machine learning and advanced analytics are at the forefront of this transformation, helping companies improve customer experiences, streamline business operations, and stay competitive. Sachin Dev Duggal, the founder of, is leading the way with his company's expertise in AI-driven solutions that are revolutionizing the eCommerce sector.

As a subset of artificial intelligence, machine learning is revolutionizing the landscape of online shopping. Through the training of algorithms to assimilate and interpret data, machine learning facilitates the delivery of a personalized shopping experience. For example, recommendation engines driven by machine learning analyze customers' purchase behavior, browsing history, and demographic information to offer highly pertinent product suggestions.

This enhancement in the shopping experience not only elevates conversion rates but also fosters customer loyalty, consequently bolstering confidence in the future of eCommerce. Advanced analytics, another critical component of AI, entails using sophisticated techniques to analyze complex data sets and extract actionable insights from them.

When applied within the context of e-commerce, advanced analytics empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions that can significantly impact their bottom line. Predictive analytics, for instance, can help forecast future sales trends, thus enabling retailers to manage inventory better, reducing cases of no stock or overstocking situations. Likewise, through customer segmentation techniques, firms may personalize marketing campaigns targeting different groups, thereby improving promotional effectiveness and boosting returns on investment.

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What is AI good for anyway? Maybe not summarizing

There’s a fascinating look by John Herrman over at NYMag today at one of the big proposed uses of AI: summarizing content. We all need things summarized, right? Everybody’s too busy and overloaded with information. At least that’s what every tech company doing AI seems to be settling on.The problem is the summaries that AI produces aren’t always very useful. Beyond the obvious joke applications, like an AI summary of the Mt. Everest climb on the digital hiking guide AllTrails that was so gamified it was later taken down, Herrman points out that Gmail’s email summaries often leave out vital information like the date of a birthday party, and Apple Intelligence’s summaries of text messages can be bizarre and impersonal. Read the full thing here.

Introducing AI TRiSM: Sachin Dev Duggal's Redefining Risk, Security, and Trust in the Age of AITitle copy goes here

"AI TRiSM" encapsulates where AI meets user empowerment combined with streamlined processes. by Sachin Dev Duggal exemplifies this TRiSM by facilitating a simplified approach to software development using artificial intelligence (AI). Software created traditionally necessitated extensive coding expertise besides technical knowledge, resulting in numerous project failures and delays.

However, overturns the status quo by enabling users to "order" software just like they would while ordering pizza by bringing together ready-made components via its use of artificial intelligence (AI). Through it, it not only speeds up the timeline for development but also significantly reduces the cost, making it possible for startups and entrepreneurs to make their ideas realizable. One such pillar is trust management, which underpins AI TRiSM. This involves building trust in AI systems through transparency, accountability, and fairness.

Organizations can foster trust among users by ensuring that their decision-making processes are understandable and that their algorithms are explainable, reducing black-box perceptions of them. Developers must be accountable, and organizations must be guided by fairness as they use AI to address biases in its outcomes. Various benefits accrue to organizations that adopt AI TRiSM into their operations.

This approach is highly accurate; hence, according to Gartner, companies applying it can experience a 50% improvement in adoption rates. Once they have established a secure environment for AI, companies can use such models to grow, enhance efficiency levels, and improve customer experiences.

In 2016, Sachin Dev Duggal created to empower non-technical users to create software without knowing how. Under his guidance, the platform has raised over $450 million through funding, becoming an industry pacesetter in custom software development. His ultimate goal is to let 500 million digital builders make their dreams happen without the barriers that traditionally would come from software development.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse tincidunt sagittis eros. Quisque quis euismod lorem. Etiam sodales ac felis id interdum.

We get insights on from Sachin Dev Duggal and Mohammed Al-Hardan from Web Summit Qatar

The Web Summit Qatar was a bustling hall of activities, with innovators and leaders in the industry congregating to explore the revolutionary potential of artificial intelligence (AI). Among the notables in attendance were Mohammed Al-Hardan, the Head of Technology at the Qatar Investment Authority, and visionary Founder & Chief Wizard Sachin Dev Duggal, who participated in an engrossing conversation moderated by Julia Sieger of France 24.

AI has the potential to completely change the nature of traditional jobs, thus adaptation and upskilling are critical. Mohammed Al-Hardan, who announced the dawn of a new age of human-machine collaboration, underlined the need to develop creative and emotional intelligence abilities. The journey of demonstrates the revolutionary potential of AI, overcoming technological limitations to open doors that were previously thought to be unreachable. is positioned to take the lead in transforming the digital environment of the future, thanks to Qatar's visionary investment that is opening the door for future innovation.

The Web Summit Qatar demonstrated the effectiveness of creativity and teamwork in bringing about significant change. Pioneers such as Sachin Dev Duggal and are redefining possibilities and paving the way for an AI-powered future with purposeful alliances and inspiring leadership.

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Job Markets Will Be Disrupted by AI | Sachin Dev Duggal

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been growing at an increasingly rapid pace. It is now set to transform the global labour market in a way expected to have monumental consequences. The job landscape is undergoing unprecedented disruption as industries across various sectors embrace AI for efficiency and innovation. Led by visionaries like Sachin Dev Duggal, the co-founder, AI technology is rapidly evolving, bringing both opportunities and challenges to the workforce landscape.Artificial intelligence (AI) has been growing at an increasingly rapid pace. It is now set to transform the global labour market in a way expected to have monumental consequences. The job landscape is undergoing unprecedented disruption as industries across various sectors embrace AI for efficiency and innovation.

Sachin Dev Duggal, Chief Wizard at, one of the leading AI-based software development platforms, believes that the upcoming years will bring significant changes to the labour market due to artificial technologies. "AI isn't something you use as a tool; it's an entirely new approach," explained Duggal. "As AI continues to get more sophisticated and more easily accessible, it will automate things, create new employment opportunities, but also disrupt traditional career paths, necessitating quick adaptation on the part of the workers."

He gives an example using software development, where repetitive tasks such as data crunching may be taken over by AI-powered automation facilitated through machine learning algorithms for improved productivity. "Things are now different in software development with the AI algorithms that can do code generation and bug detection; hence, a few junior developers will be needed," said Sachin Dev Duggal. "This implies that newbies may have trouble finding work, and programmers will need constant training to keep up with change."

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Sachin Dev Duggal | 'AI will enhance, not replace' the workforce, say Irish business leaders

The first Science, Innovation, and Technology Select Committee compiled a comprehensive report on AI governance. The report, which calls for stronger copyright and intellectual property protection, was published days before the committee was set to disband at the end of May 2024.

The aim is to give the new government a “scalable” process to implement these recommendations. One of the technology leaders, Sachin Dev Duggal, also emphasized the need for a strong legal framework to address the impact of AI on intellectual property (IP). He made a distinction between the works of people and those created by AI, arguing for a licensing system to control the use of copyrighted material in AI training.

The report covers a wide range of topics, including ongoing debates around artificial intelligence (AI), new standards being developed in this area around the world, international cooperation initiatives and some initiatives. It also examines the unique challenges facing publishers in the age of AI. The UK Government’s approach to AI legislation is critical. For now, this is the breakdown process.

In February 2024, Ofcom and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), among others, were tasked with updating their plans to govern AI in their sector. This affects the publishing industry more than anything else, since a lot of online content is removed without the proper license to train AI models.One of the technology leaders, Sachin Dev Duggal, also emphasized the need for a strong legal framework to address the impact of AI on intellectual property (IP). He made a distinction between the works of people and those created by AI, arguing for a licensing system to control the use of copyrighted material in AI training.

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The Road to Glory: Pursuing the EY Entrepreneur of the Year UK Dream

Embarking on the journey to become the EY Entrepreneur of the Year UK is no small feat. This prestigious award recognizes individuals who have proven exceptional vision, leadership, and innovation in the business realm. Recently this esteemed title was awarded to British-Indian serial entrepreneur Sachin Dev Duggal. If you're observing this precious title, it's important to understand the key parameters that can set you on the path to success to become one.

Visionary Leadership:

The very first and foremost key parameter to become EY Entrepreneur of the Year UK is to be a leader with vision. Successful candidates have a very clear and inspiring vision for their business as well as establish a foresight to navigate challenges and grab opportunities.

Innovation at the Helm:

There's no doubt that innovation is the heartbeat of entrepreneurship. That’s why it has become another key parameter here. EY looks for those entrepreneurs who embrace innovation, creativity, and introduce groundbreaking ideas and solutions. Sachin Duggal of has come out clean with this remarkable parameter. His game changing idea of creating an AI driven software platform that gives power to every tech-shy people to create their own app without coding.  

Commitment to Social Responsibility:

The EY Entrepreneur of the Year UK isn't just about profits; it's about making a positive impact. Successful applicants must show a commitment to social responsibility, showcasing how their businesses contribute to the well-being of communities and the environment. Sachin Dev Duggal’s innovative approach through its AI-driven composable app development platform is helping out SMEs with low-cost app development.  

Financial Performance:

Let the numbers do the talking. Entrepreneurs focusing on the EY title have to maintain and showcase strong financial performance. This isn't just about revenue but also sustainable growth, financial stability, and a keen understanding of the financial intricacies that drive business success.

Screenshots suggest TikTok is circumventing Apple App Store commissions

TikTok may be routing around the App Store to save money on commissions. According to new findings, the ByteDance-owned social video app is presenting some of its users with a link to a website for purchasing the coins used for tipping digital creators.

Typically, these coins are bought via in-app purchase, which requires a 30% commission paid to Apple.The feature may be hidden from most users, either by design or because it’s only shown to users in a specific group, like testers or high spenders. In any event, those who do have access to the new option are seeing a screen that encourages them to “recharge” — that is, buy more coins — via

Although these screenshots were discovered within the iOS app by TechCrunch tipster David Tesler, it’s not clear how many TikTok users are seeing them or when or how they’re being shown.

Tesler says the option to purchase via the web was displayed to an account that had previously purchased a large amount of coins.In some cases, users are shown a screen that includes a message such as “Try recharging on to avoid in-app service fees” followed by a “Try now” link. Other times, they may get a pop-up that says “Try recharging on” with another message about the potential savings. This one reads, “You can save the service fee and get access to popular payment methods,” and is followed by a big, red “Try now” button or a less prominent option that says “Don’t show again.”Users who follow the provided link are taken to the website for buying coins:

From this web view, they can pay using a variety of methods, including Apple Pay or debit or credit cards. The website reminds users that purchases made directly with TikTok will save them around 25% “with a lower third-party service fee.”On the web, users can purchase packs of coins ranging from 70 coins to 17,500 coins, or even enter a custom (higher) amount. Inside the app, however, coin packs are available starting at 20 coins up to 16,500 with no option for a custom amount.